Brian Moore
2008 Socialist Party Presidential Candidate
31 October 2008
Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore on C-Span Friday To Counter Misrepresentations of Socialism By Obama and McCain
C-Span, Texas Radio and Conference Call to Senior Citizen Class of 250 at Florida Atlanta University in Palm Beach-- Friday Morning
CNN Interview Expected to Air Friday/Weekend Also
Tampa, Florida: Socialist Presidential candidate Brian Moore will appear on nationwide television for the third time this week. He will be hosted on the Washington Journal of C-Span, from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM out of the WEDU television studios in Tampa, Florida...
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Friday, October 31, 2008
C-SPAN interview with Brian Moore online
31 October 2008
On Friday, 31 October, C-SPAN held a thirty-minute interview with Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore. The interview is now online and can be found here.
On Friday, 31 October, C-SPAN held a thirty-minute interview with Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore. The interview is now online and can be found here.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
United Socialist States of America
29 October 2008
United Socialist States of America
By Christopher Hayes
The Nation
"Last night Stephen Colbert quite cleverly invited the actual Socialist candidate for President onto his show, to give him the opportunity to state the blindingly obvious: Obama's no Socialist. (Added bonus was hearing a real, actual socialist explain his philosophy on national television. That doesn't happen very often)..."
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United Socialist States of America
By Christopher Hayes
The Nation
"Last night Stephen Colbert quite cleverly invited the actual Socialist candidate for President onto his show, to give him the opportunity to state the blindingly obvious: Obama's no Socialist. (Added bonus was hearing a real, actual socialist explain his philosophy on national television. That doesn't happen very often)..."
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Socialist Party fights to maintain identity
29 October 2008
By Laura Olson
Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau
"There is a Socialist candidate on the ballot in eight states, and it's not Barack Obama.
His name is Brian Moore, resident of Spring Hill, Fla., whose resume includes training at a Franciscan seminary, a stint in the Peace Corps and work in health-care consulting..."
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By Laura Olson
Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau
"There is a Socialist candidate on the ballot in eight states, and it's not Barack Obama.
His name is Brian Moore, resident of Spring Hill, Fla., whose resume includes training at a Franciscan seminary, a stint in the Peace Corps and work in health-care consulting..."
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sarah and the Socialist
22 October 2008
Sarah and the Socialist
By John Nichols
The Nation
"Obama's no socialist, says Brian Moore, the nominee of America's honorable old Socialist Party.
Obama's 'bought and sold' by Wall Street, says the Florida peace activist who is carrying the banner this year of the party of Eugene Victor Debs and Norman Thomas"...
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Spring Hill's Presidential Candidate Hits Comedy Central Tonight
28 October 2008
By Tony Marrero
Tampa Tribune, Hernando Today edition (link)
"BROOKSVILLE -- Brian Moore, the presidential candidate from Spring Hill out to prove that socialism isn't a dirty word, is slated today to face what could prove to be his toughest interviewer yet: Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert.
Moore will appear on The Colbert Report tonight to talk about his candidacy at the top of the Socialist Party ticket. The show airs at 11:30 p.m. and the episode will air again Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 and 7:30 p.m..."
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By Tony Marrero
Tampa Tribune, Hernando Today edition (link)
"BROOKSVILLE -- Brian Moore, the presidential candidate from Spring Hill out to prove that socialism isn't a dirty word, is slated today to face what could prove to be his toughest interviewer yet: Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert.
Moore will appear on The Colbert Report tonight to talk about his candidacy at the top of the Socialist Party ticket. The show airs at 11:30 p.m. and the episode will air again Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 and 7:30 p.m..."
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Brian Moore on the Colbert Report
28 October 2008
Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore appeared on Comedy Central's Colbert Report on Tuesday, 28 October, to discuss socialism and his campaign. You can watch the interview online here.
Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore appeared on Comedy Central's Colbert Report on Tuesday, 28 October, to discuss socialism and his campaign. You can watch the interview online here.
State Rep. Candidate Takes WJR's Frank Beckmann to Task on the Question 'Socialism'
Matt Erard
Socialist Party candidate for State Representative
(Michigan, district 53)
21 October 2008
DETROIT -- Dually-nominated Socialist/Green State Representative candidate Matt Erard (53rd District -- Ann Arbor) was invited to be a live, in-studio guest yesterday on the program of WJR-760AM's mid-morning radio personality Frank Beckmann. During his portion of the show, Erard answered attempted challenges on air from WJR callers, in addition to those from the host. Beckmann's two other guests on yesterday's program, following Erard, were Mitt Romney and 'Joe the plumber' Wurzelbacher...
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Socialist Party candidate for State Representative
(Michigan, district 53)
21 October 2008
DETROIT -- Dually-nominated Socialist/Green State Representative candidate Matt Erard (53rd District -- Ann Arbor) was invited to be a live, in-studio guest yesterday on the program of WJR-760AM's mid-morning radio personality Frank Beckmann. During his portion of the show, Erard answered attempted challenges on air from WJR callers, in addition to those from the host. Beckmann's two other guests on yesterday's program, following Erard, were Mitt Romney and 'Joe the plumber' Wurzelbacher...
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28 October 2008
Brian will appear tonight on the Comedy Central show The Colbert Report, which begins at 11:30 pm EST. Brian was flown out to New York by Comedy Central for today's taping and airing of the show.
While in New York for tonight's Colbert Report episode, Brian will also be doing an hour long interview by telephone on the "Fight Back with Dr. Bob Fitrakis" radio show on WVKO 1580AM -- Ohio's Progressive Talk, beginning at 5 pm.
Brian will appear tonight on the Comedy Central show The Colbert Report, which begins at 11:30 pm EST. Brian was flown out to New York by Comedy Central for today's taping and airing of the show.
While in New York for tonight's Colbert Report episode, Brian will also be doing an hour long interview by telephone on the "Fight Back with Dr. Bob Fitrakis" radio show on WVKO 1580AM -- Ohio's Progressive Talk, beginning at 5 pm.
Getting creative with education
26 October 2008
By Bryan Kolk
The Michigan Daily
"The only Board of Education candidate not playing back this mantra is Dwain Reynolds III, a 22 year old from the Socialist/Green party, who also advocates the abolition of all charter programs and tuition for higher education...."
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By Bryan Kolk
The Michigan Daily
"The only Board of Education candidate not playing back this mantra is Dwain Reynolds III, a 22 year old from the Socialist/Green party, who also advocates the abolition of all charter programs and tuition for higher education...."
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Un-American Activity
A statement by Todd Vachon, Socialist Party candidate for United States Congress (Connecticut District 2)
October 27, 2008
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a protester; thank a dissident, because dissent protects democracy. Be it a stingy two-party democracy, it is still better than a really stingy one party totalitarian state. False patriotism, flag waiving and unquestioningly supporting your government is not defending freedom, it's opening doors for fascist minded folks to eliminate our freedoms right from under our collective nose.
The extreme right has been drumming up all sorts of McCarthy era attacks in the past weeks including cries of "unAmerican activity" and "anti-American" and "socialist"...
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October 27, 2008
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a protester; thank a dissident, because dissent protects democracy. Be it a stingy two-party democracy, it is still better than a really stingy one party totalitarian state. False patriotism, flag waiving and unquestioningly supporting your government is not defending freedom, it's opening doors for fascist minded folks to eliminate our freedoms right from under our collective nose.
The extreme right has been drumming up all sorts of McCarthy era attacks in the past weeks including cries of "unAmerican activity" and "anti-American" and "socialist"...
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
The fourth party candidates
25 October 2008
By Igor Derysh
The Examiner
"It is almost ironic that when journalists and columnists, and I must admit I too am guilty of this, mention the lack of coverage that third party candidates like Independent Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr receive while in the same breath forgetting to mention the other third party candidates that are out there. Here are the other candidates that are likely to appear on your state's ballot on November 4 and what they bring to the table. Because are are just too many to discuss, this list will feature candidates who appear on the ballot in ten or more states in order of how many states they appear, including write-in options..."
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By Igor Derysh
The Examiner
"It is almost ironic that when journalists and columnists, and I must admit I too am guilty of this, mention the lack of coverage that third party candidates like Independent Ralph Nader and Libertarian Bob Barr receive while in the same breath forgetting to mention the other third party candidates that are out there. Here are the other candidates that are likely to appear on your state's ballot on November 4 and what they bring to the table. Because are are just too many to discuss, this list will feature candidates who appear on the ballot in ten or more states in order of how many states they appear, including write-in options..."
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Obama is a Socialist? Another "Known-Unknown"
25 October 2008
By William Wharton
Dissident Voice
"Ever desperate, John McCain has lately taken up an attempt to re-brand Barack Obama from blue to red. Obama, it seems, is a stealth "socialist." Or, so says Sarah Palin, or Joe the Plumber, or John McCain, or was that Bill O'Reilly? Remember now we are talking about a political crowd dedicated to "preemptive war" - they know something when they do not see it. Or, as Don Rumsfeld so eloquently termed it, Barack Obama being a socialist is a "known unknown."
Unfortunately for the McCain campaign, a large chunk of the American electorate, despite eight years of presidential idiocy, has managed to retain some amount of rational reasoning. By any reasonable measure Obama is far from a socialist. Let's look at three..."
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By William Wharton
Dissident Voice
"Ever desperate, John McCain has lately taken up an attempt to re-brand Barack Obama from blue to red. Obama, it seems, is a stealth "socialist." Or, so says Sarah Palin, or Joe the Plumber, or John McCain, or was that Bill O'Reilly? Remember now we are talking about a political crowd dedicated to "preemptive war" - they know something when they do not see it. Or, as Don Rumsfeld so eloquently termed it, Barack Obama being a socialist is a "known unknown."
Unfortunately for the McCain campaign, a large chunk of the American electorate, despite eight years of presidential idiocy, has managed to retain some amount of rational reasoning. By any reasonable measure Obama is far from a socialist. Let's look at three..."
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Spring Hill man runs for president
24 October 2008
By Kathryn Bursch
10 Connects News
"Spring Hill, Florida - In the maze of political signs you see along the roadways these days, one you're unlikely to find is "Brian Moore for President." They are few and far between.
The cluttered office of Moore's Spring Hill home is headquarters for his presidential run. The long-time civic activist is the candidate for the Socialist Party USA. "We can offer a viable alternative," says Moore..."
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By Kathryn Bursch
10 Connects News
"Spring Hill, Florida - In the maze of political signs you see along the roadways these days, one you're unlikely to find is "Brian Moore for President." They are few and far between.
The cluttered office of Moore's Spring Hill home is headquarters for his presidential run. The long-time civic activist is the candidate for the Socialist Party USA. "We can offer a viable alternative," says Moore..."
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The New Republic Q&A: Brian Moore
24 October 2008
By Katherine Marsh
The New Republic
"Barack Obama and John McCain have been called socialists for their support of the bailout. But Moore, the Socialist Party USA's presidential nominee, really is one, and his feelings are hurt.
With all the accusations of socialism flying around, it seemed like a good time to check in with Brian Moore, the Socialist Party USA presidential nominee. As Moore himself observed, socialism has been in the news more in the past few weeks "than anytime since 1932." Over the course of two recent afternoons, I conducted a hard-hitting phone interview with the 65-year-old candidate who spoke to me from his home in Tampa, Florida, and from the Fox News green room, where he was preparing to tape one of his recent Neil Cavuto interviews. What follows is a condensed version of our conversations..."
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By Katherine Marsh
The New Republic
"Barack Obama and John McCain have been called socialists for their support of the bailout. But Moore, the Socialist Party USA's presidential nominee, really is one, and his feelings are hurt.
With all the accusations of socialism flying around, it seemed like a good time to check in with Brian Moore, the Socialist Party USA presidential nominee. As Moore himself observed, socialism has been in the news more in the past few weeks "than anytime since 1932." Over the course of two recent afternoons, I conducted a hard-hitting phone interview with the 65-year-old candidate who spoke to me from his home in Tampa, Florida, and from the Fox News green room, where he was preparing to tape one of his recent Neil Cavuto interviews. What follows is a condensed version of our conversations..."
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
Brian Moore on Fox News show "Your World with Neil Cavuto"
23 October 2008
Socialist Party USA presidential candidate Brian Moore was again a guest on the Fox News Channel show "Your World with Neil Cavuto." In his third appearance on the network in the past month, Moore was interviewed for ten minutes. The video has not yet been posted online...
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Socialist Party USA presidential candidate Brian Moore was again a guest on the Fox News Channel show "Your World with Neil Cavuto." In his third appearance on the network in the past month, Moore was interviewed for ten minutes. The video has not yet been posted online...
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True Socialist says Obama isn't one
23 October 2008
Top of Socialist Party ticket says Obama's not a believer
By John Frank
St. Petersburg Times
"Spring Hill -- Brian Moore said Barack Obama is not a socialist.
And Moore should know. He's the Socialist Party USA candidate for president..."
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Top of Socialist Party ticket says Obama's not a believer
By John Frank
St. Petersburg Times
"Spring Hill -- Brian Moore said Barack Obama is not a socialist.
And Moore should know. He's the Socialist Party USA candidate for president..."
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Honoring veterans of the campaign for peace: Montclair officials commend local activists for their perseverance
21 October 2008
By Philip Read
The Star-Ledger (New Jersey)
"But the Democratic presidential nominee apparently doesn't have the backing of Kaniecki, who at one point repeated 'Moore, Moore,' for Brian Moore, the Socialist Party USA candidate for president.
'He's not really for peace,' Kaniecki said of Barack Obama. 'He's really for shifting the focus of the war (to Afghanistan) instead of ending the war.'"
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By Philip Read
The Star-Ledger (New Jersey)
"But the Democratic presidential nominee apparently doesn't have the backing of Kaniecki, who at one point repeated 'Moore, Moore,' for Brian Moore, the Socialist Party USA candidate for president.
'He's not really for peace,' Kaniecki said of Barack Obama. 'He's really for shifting the focus of the war (to Afghanistan) instead of ending the war.'"
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Inside Socialist Party Headquarters
20 October 2008
By Alan Feuer
The New York Times
"The Manhattan office of the Socialist Party USA, where a constant stream of printed material is produced. "If there's anything normal around here, it's folding papers and stuffing envelopes," said Zelig Stern, secretary of the New York chapter..."

(Click on the image for a full-room interactive view.)
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By Alan Feuer
The New York Times
"The Manhattan office of the Socialist Party USA, where a constant stream of printed material is produced. "If there's anything normal around here, it's folding papers and stuffing envelopes," said Zelig Stern, secretary of the New York chapter..."
(Click on the image for a full-room interactive view.)
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Matt Erard interviewed on WJR News Talk 760, Detroit
20 October 2008
Matt Erard, Socialist/Green candidate Michigan State Representative in the 53rd District (Ann Arbor), was interviewed on WJR News Talk 760 in Detroit on Monday, 20 October 2008. Erard appearead on the right-wing Frank Beckman morning show, which is #1 in Detroit radio aribtron ratings during the time it airs. In addition to debating with Beckman, he also took calls from a few WJR listeners.
WJR has the largest broadcast range in Michigan, with strong reception in all of Southeastern Michigan and northern Ohio. Mitt Romney followed Erard as Beckman's next guest.
You can listen to the interview online here. Erard's 2008 campaign Web site is at
Matt Erard, Socialist/Green candidate Michigan State Representative in the 53rd District (Ann Arbor), was interviewed on WJR News Talk 760 in Detroit on Monday, 20 October 2008. Erard appearead on the right-wing Frank Beckman morning show, which is #1 in Detroit radio aribtron ratings during the time it airs. In addition to debating with Beckman, he also took calls from a few WJR listeners.
WJR has the largest broadcast range in Michigan, with strong reception in all of Southeastern Michigan and northern Ohio. Mitt Romney followed Erard as Beckman's next guest.
You can listen to the interview online here. Erard's 2008 campaign Web site is at
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Don't like McCain or Obama? They're not your only choices
19 October 2008
Don't like McCain or Obama? They're not your only choices
By Brad Dicken
The Chronicle-Telegram (OH)
"Under a Moore presidency, he said, there would be a massive redistribution of wealth and nationalization of key industries such as energy and the airlines. No worker would earn more than 10 times what another worker makes, Moore said.
Socialism, he said, has a history of fighting for things that the mainstream used to oppose, such as child labor laws, women's suffrage and a 40-hour work week..."
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Don't like McCain or Obama? They're not your only choices
By Brad Dicken
The Chronicle-Telegram (OH)
"Under a Moore presidency, he said, there would be a massive redistribution of wealth and nationalization of key industries such as energy and the airlines. No worker would earn more than 10 times what another worker makes, Moore said.
Socialism, he said, has a history of fighting for things that the mainstream used to oppose, such as child labor laws, women's suffrage and a 40-hour work week..."
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Saturday, October 18, 2008
Brian Moore
2008 Socialist Party Presidential Candidate
18 October 2008
Spring Hill, Florida: Socialist Party USA presidential nominee Brian Moore urged President Bush and the U.S. Congress to "nationalize" the United States banking system and called for a "full governmental takeover of all for-profit industries in the country"...
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2008 Socialist Party Presidential Candidate
18 October 2008
Spring Hill, Florida: Socialist Party USA presidential nominee Brian Moore urged President Bush and the U.S. Congress to "nationalize" the United States banking system and called for a "full governmental takeover of all for-profit industries in the country"...
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
Brian Moore's Pre-Election Message to Voters
A statement by Brian Moore, Socialist Party Candidate for President of the United States
16 October 2008
I urge all of our Socialist Party members to get out and vote, early, if possible, to avoid any problems on election day.
Voting on principle, instead of for power, is our all-important obligation, and that principle is for a radical systemic change in our economic system.
Send a message, loud and clear, that you are not happy with the status quo, nor with our present destructive capitalistic economic system, and that the two mainstream political parties are not offering any choices for the American people.
Your voice is important, especially in showing that alternative radical ideas and the socialistic economic system, which favor workers and average citizens, and promotes real democracy, have to take precedence now more than ever...
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16 October 2008
I urge all of our Socialist Party members to get out and vote, early, if possible, to avoid any problems on election day.
Voting on principle, instead of for power, is our all-important obligation, and that principle is for a radical systemic change in our economic system.
Send a message, loud and clear, that you are not happy with the status quo, nor with our present destructive capitalistic economic system, and that the two mainstream political parties are not offering any choices for the American people.
Your voice is important, especially in showing that alternative radical ideas and the socialistic economic system, which favor workers and average citizens, and promotes real democracy, have to take precedence now more than ever...
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Stewart Alexander's Pre-Election Message to Voters
A statement by Stewart Alexander, Socialist Party Candidate for Vice President of the United States
16 October 2008
The 2008 General Election is only days away and millions of voters will have two choices to make: capitalism or socialism, and the voters' choice for leadership will determine the destiny of the U.S. and world economy well beyond the next term of the U.S. president.
The capitalists have two candidates with one agenda: to protect the profits and the wealth of the super rich. To the contrary, Socialist Party USA and Brian Moore stand for a fundamental transformation of the U.S. and world economy, focusing on production for need not profit. Brian Moore's campaign is not about reforming the process, "the Moore campaign is about changing the process"...
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16 October 2008
The 2008 General Election is only days away and millions of voters will have two choices to make: capitalism or socialism, and the voters' choice for leadership will determine the destiny of the U.S. and world economy well beyond the next term of the U.S. president.
The capitalists have two candidates with one agenda: to protect the profits and the wealth of the super rich. To the contrary, Socialist Party USA and Brian Moore stand for a fundamental transformation of the U.S. and world economy, focusing on production for need not profit. Brian Moore's campaign is not about reforming the process, "the Moore campaign is about changing the process"...
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
2008 Presidential Candidate Brian Moore talks about Wall Street
14 October 2008
The Scooter McGee Show
Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore talks with Scooter McGee about his FoxNews appearance on Neil Cavuto. Why is FoxNews talking now about Socialism? How is a Socialist Candidate treated by the "Lame Stream Media?" Why was Brian interrupted repeatedly? Learn the answers to these questions and more about Socialism tonight starting at 9pm MT!
You can for the first time Watch the Show by clicking the link..."
The Scooter McGee Show
Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore talks with Scooter McGee about his FoxNews appearance on Neil Cavuto. Why is FoxNews talking now about Socialism? How is a Socialist Candidate treated by the "Lame Stream Media?" Why was Brian interrupted repeatedly? Learn the answers to these questions and more about Socialism tonight starting at 9pm MT!
You can for the first time Watch the Show by clicking the link..."
Monday, October 13, 2008
Video of SP State House Candidate Debate with Democratic Incumbent
13 October 2008
A video of the locally televised two-candidate debate between Socialist Party State House candidate Matt Erard (53rd district - Michigan) and Democratic Party incumbent candidate Rebekah Warren is available online. The video can be viewed at this link.
A video of the locally televised two-candidate debate between Socialist Party State House candidate Matt Erard (53rd district - Michigan) and Democratic Party incumbent candidate Rebekah Warren is available online. The video can be viewed at this link.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Bremer County races heat up, says auditor
09 October 2009
By Janelle Penny
Waverly Democrat (Iowa)
"Other challengers running for the nation's highest office include Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party; Cynthia McKinney, Green Party; Bob Barr, Libertarian; Gloria La Riva, Party for Socialism and Liberation; Ralph Nader, Peace and Freedom; Brian Moore, Socialist Party USA; and James Harris, Socialist Workers Party"...
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By Janelle Penny
Waverly Democrat (Iowa)
"Other challengers running for the nation's highest office include Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party; Cynthia McKinney, Green Party; Bob Barr, Libertarian; Gloria La Riva, Party for Socialism and Liberation; Ralph Nader, Peace and Freedom; Brian Moore, Socialist Party USA; and James Harris, Socialist Workers Party"...
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Brian Moore Participates in National Internet Radio Presidential Debate
09 October 2008
Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore participated in a national internet radio presidential debate hosted by Revolution Broadcasting Radio on 9 October. The debate available online in three parts...
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Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Brian Moore participated in a national internet radio presidential debate hosted by Revolution Broadcasting Radio on 9 October. The debate available online in three parts...
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Socialist Women Election Statement
Socialist Party Women's Commission
Socialist Women Editors
09 October 2008
The editors of Socialist Women, the national publication of the Women's Commission of the Socialist Party USA, urge all those convinced of the need for fundamental social change to vote for Brian Moore for U.S. President and Stewart Alexander for U.S. Vice President, the candidates of the Socialist Party USA, the national spokespeople for a radical alternative to the policies and practices of global capitalism...
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Socialist Women Editors
09 October 2008
The editors of Socialist Women, the national publication of the Women's Commission of the Socialist Party USA, urge all those convinced of the need for fundamental social change to vote for Brian Moore for U.S. President and Stewart Alexander for U.S. Vice President, the candidates of the Socialist Party USA, the national spokespeople for a radical alternative to the policies and practices of global capitalism...
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Other 2008 Presidential Candidates
08 October 2008
WLWT TV (Ohio)
"Brian Moore, Socialist Party USA: Moore waged several unsuccessful bids for mayor and city council in Washington, D.C., and twice ran for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida's Fifth Congressional District.... The party's principles and platform call for the elimination of the power of big business through public ownership and workers' control, production for use instead of profit, and the establishment of a classless society. The party is also strongly committed to internationalism and the struggle against racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism and homophobia. The party calls for the abolition of the death penalty and for the replacement of the prison system with restorative justice..."
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WLWT TV (Ohio)
"Brian Moore, Socialist Party USA: Moore waged several unsuccessful bids for mayor and city council in Washington, D.C., and twice ran for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida's Fifth Congressional District.... The party's principles and platform call for the elimination of the power of big business through public ownership and workers' control, production for use instead of profit, and the establishment of a classless society. The party is also strongly committed to internationalism and the struggle against racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism and homophobia. The party calls for the abolition of the death penalty and for the replacement of the prison system with restorative justice..."
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Erard Campaign Calls for Immediate Passage of the Michigan Moratorium Act
Matt Erard
Socialist Party candidate for State Representative
(Michigan, district 53)
08 October 2008
In the wake of the U.S. Congress' recent maneuver to shift responsibility for the banking industry's bad-faith lending practices to working U.S. tax payers, Matt Erard, Socialist/Green candidate for 53rd District State Representative, renewed his call upon the Michigan State Legislature to immediately pass the Michigan Moratorium Act, which would impose an emergency moratorium on all home foreclosures throughout the state of Michigan...
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Socialist Party candidate for State Representative
(Michigan, district 53)
08 October 2008
In the wake of the U.S. Congress' recent maneuver to shift responsibility for the banking industry's bad-faith lending practices to working U.S. tax payers, Matt Erard, Socialist/Green candidate for 53rd District State Representative, renewed his call upon the Michigan State Legislature to immediately pass the Michigan Moratorium Act, which would impose an emergency moratorium on all home foreclosures throughout the state of Michigan...
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Monday, October 6, 2008
Brian Moore Participates in Alternative Presidential Candidates Debate at Vanderbilt University
06 October 2008
The Coalition for October Debate Alternatives (CODA) hosted a debate on Monday, 6 October, open to all third party candidates for president as well as the major party nominees.
The candidates who attended include Brad Lyttle of the U.S. Pacifist Party, Charles Jay of the Boston Tea Party, Gloria LaRiva of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Frank McEnulty of the New American Independent Party, Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party and Brian Moore of the Socialist Party. Bruce Barry, professor of sociology and professor of management at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt, was the moderator.
A recording of the debate is now online and can be watched here.
The Coalition for October Debate Alternatives (CODA) hosted a debate on Monday, 6 October, open to all third party candidates for president as well as the major party nominees.
The candidates who attended include Brad Lyttle of the U.S. Pacifist Party, Charles Jay of the Boston Tea Party, Gloria LaRiva of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Frank McEnulty of the New American Independent Party, Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party and Brian Moore of the Socialist Party. Bruce Barry, professor of sociology and professor of management at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt, was the moderator.
A recording of the debate is now online and can be watched here.
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