Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stewart Alexander Calls for an End to Attacks on Occupy Movement

Stewart Alexander
2012 Socialist Party Presidential Candidate
15 November 2011

Los Angeles, CA – Socialist Party USA Presidential Candidate, Stewart Alexander opposes the recent assault on the Occupy movement in cities across the United States. He draws attention to the fact that it was largely the result of the decisions of elected Democrats. Freedom of expression is central to democracy and he believes that we must strengthen our commitment to civil liberties...

“Remember well who is behind these assaults on you,” urges Stewart Alexander, presidential nominee for the Socialist Party USA. “These are the men and women who are bought and sold like commodities by corporations. These are not just Republican officials, but also the Democratic Party that are assaulting your rights to free speech. Your calls for social and economic justice do not sit well with their owners. When the Democrats try to sweet talk you into believing they support the 99%: forget their words and remember their actions....”

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Election Results and Moving Forward

A Post-Election statement by Pat Noble, Socialist Party candidate for Monmouth County Freeholder (New Jersey)

08 November 2011

Hello everyone!

After seven months of campaigning for Monmouth County Freeholder, I am truly honored to say that, according to the unofficial results and with 99.78% reporting, 1,389 people voted for me today.

The implications of this are astounding. Despite the county being considered a Republican stronghold in New Jersey, almost 1,400 people said yes to socialism. That is beyond great, and I am proud to have helped rally that many people. I was not elected today, but this was a monumental victory nonetheless....

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Monday, November 7, 2011

City of Detroit - Vote Tues. Nov. 8th - Reject the Proposed City Charter Revisions
– Vote NO on Proposal C!

07 November 2011

A position statement by the Detroit Socialist Party local on 2011 City of Detroit Ballot Proposal C

The Detroit Socialist Party calls upon all city voters to cast a NO vote in the citywide municipal referendum being held on November 8, 2011 on approval or rejection of the Detroit City Charter amendments proposed by the City Charter Revision Commission.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Candidates Vie for Monmouth Freeholder Seats

04 November 2011

By: Jacklyn Corley
The Freehold Patch (New Jersey)

"The November election marks Red Bank resident Patrick Noble's first run for office as well as his first opportunity to cast a general election ballot. The 18-year-old is secretary of the Socialist Party of New Jersey and co-founded the Socialist Party of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Noble graduated from the Monmouth County Academy of Allied Health and Science in June.

'I'm running to provide a Socialist alternative to the people of Monmouth County. I think that our electoral system is flawed in all levels of government. I'm running to give voters an alternative and different ideas that they won't find represented in other candidates,' Noble said...."

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PHAR Questionnaire- Public Housing Rights!

A statement by Brandon Collins, Socialist Party Candidate for Charlottesville City Council (Virgina)

04 November 2011

Here are my responses to the Public Housing Association of Residents Questionnaire.

I firmly believe that this is one of the most important community groups in Charlottesville and I am happy and proud to say that I have been able to spend a lot of time in public housing neighborhoods throughout the campaign, and will continue to remain involved well beyond November 8th....

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Socialist Party Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander Says Obama Represents the One Percent

Stewart Alexander
Socialist Party 2012 Presidential Candidate
For Immediate Release
03 November 2011

Los Angeles, CA – Socialist Party USA candidate for President, Stewart Alexander, claims that Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are not working in the interest of the working class. He believes they are working for the interests of the top 1% of Americans and corporations at the expense of the bottom 99%. Furthermore, he calls for the Occupy movement, and Americans in general, to come to terms with this and seek alternative candidates...

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Socialist Party USA: A Dispatch from the Convention

03 November 2011

By: Edwin Laing
The Santa Barbara Independent (California)

"The meeting was mainly for housekeeping purposes: refresh our party's vision, elect our party officers, fine tune our structure.But it was also to name our top federal candidates, a longstanding Socialist Party practice to acquaint people with socialist ideas.A working people's slate emerged: Stewart Alexander of California for President of the United States, Alex Mendoza of Texas for Vice President of the United States...."

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Video! Please Share!

A statement by Brandon Collins, Socialist Party Candidate for Charlottesville City Council (Virgina)

1 November 2011

Here we go folks, a short video explaining my overall approach to local politics- please feel free to share this everyone you know!...