Monday, May 7, 2012

Socialist Party Presidential Ticket Defends Public Workforce; Defends the US Postal Service

7 May 2012
Contact: Lynn Lomibao 
Email: media [at]

Los Angeles, CA – The past few years have been marked by attacks on the public workers. In states such as Wisconsin, Republicans attacked the right of state employees to collectively bargain; in states such as Massachusetts, the Democrats did the same. Federal employees faced a two year pay freeze, despite rising wages in the private sector, followed by a hike in pension contributions for new employees, including those that have been federally employed for up to five years. The United States Postal Service is looking at turning back services and potentially laying off 80,000 workers due to a manufactured budget shortfall. The Socialist Party USA ticket of Stewart Alexander and Alex Mendoza say that this is part of a larger attack upon the working class for the benefit of the wealthiest 1%.

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